Welcome to the Home of Abundance and Breakthrough Coaching Globally

The International Association of Abundance Coaches (IAAC) was established to recognize the application of abundance and breakthrough principles in the training and facilitation of coaches.

We believe that coaching is the most powerful modality in the world, when it comes to personal growth and development, and professional career and business excellence.

People coaching

Recognizing Training Schools that put the Abundance Principles Front and Center

Life coaches, business coaches, and other committed change and wellness professionals are having a huge impact in the world around us.

When they truly understand and have a solid training in an abundance framework, then they are able to get exponentially better results for clients, groups and organizations. Although the IAAC recognizes the significant impact and value of purely skills-based coaching training approaches, we were created to recognize the value of genuine breakthrough approaches.


Abundance and Breakthrough Coaching Methodologies

When clients and organizations are coached in an environment of unlimited possibilities for change and empowerment, we tend to see miraculous results.

Skills-based coaching will often focus on a very cerebral, incremental and linear approach to change. The Abundance and Breakthrough Coaching mindset is profoundly different.

Which is why we see such priceless value in recognizing the excellence and innovation in training schools across the globe who embrace this philosophy, whilst at the same time, providing rigorous, credible and professional training.