
Accredited Courses And Certification

These are the training schools we have currently accredited and recognize as meeting the rigorous and specific requirements of the IAAC. You can rest assured that these schools will:

1. Teach and certify you in the skills, tools and knowledge necessary to practice the science and art of coaching.

2. Are committed to an Abundance and Breakthrough Philosophy of personal development, and professional and business growth.

3. Do not practice role playing and other overly theoretical approaches. Instead they are focused on keeping it real, giving coaching students the opportunity to practice a wide array of practical and transformative techniques and strategies.

4. Embrace the philosophy of "If you can't coach yourself, you have no right to coach others". Being able to coach yourself, to get the best out of yourself and achieve extraordinary results, is a prerequisite to coaching others and having a true impact in the world.

The National Life Coach Training School
New Zealand Life Coaching

For Training School and Events in New Zealand

Go here for the New Zealand Life Coaching website

Our Mission

Our mission is to be the largest and most respected coaching organization in the world.

This will mean: